Destination :Oklahoma State University - Stillwater
Major :Chemical Engineering (Non Thesis - without funding)
Visa Interview Location : Mumbai
Time of Interview :10.50 am
Visa Officer Description(optional): Young blonde - smart american guy (looked shrewd and was extremely fast with his interviews and had an amazing typing speed)
Dialogues : Give me ur pink token please
Me: Sure Sir, Good morning
Vo:Morning, So which University are u heading to?
Me: Oklahoma State University
VO:Why do you want to be a cowboy?
Me:(I started laughing, but got back to him saying) I have got an admit for MS in chemical engg.
VO:ok, wats ur GRE score?
VO:Who's funding?
VO: What do they do?
Me:My dad is a financial consultant and my mom is a housewife - but she takes home tuitions
VO:Ok R u sure u want to goto US?
me:Ya of coz
VO:ok We will courier ur visa and passport in next 3 days.
me: (Cudnt believe my luck) Is there something to be signed on the i-20
VO:No, Bye

Destination: NMSU

Major : EE
Dialogues :
Me: good aftnoon ma'm
Vo: sorry to've kept u waiting,good aftnoon.
VO: so,y do u wan to study in nmsu?
Me: courses oferd,profs,blah blah..
VO: do u have any baklogs?
Me:yes ma'm,only 1...
VO: can u show me ur marks memos?
Me: yes ma'm,sure(i gave it to her..she barely saw anything from them)
VO:wat wil u do aft graduation?
Me: i'l come bak to india,as m the only son.blah blah.. ;-)
VO:how are u going to take care of ur expenditure for ur masters?
Me: told bot my father's annual income..
vo: okay...sir ur visa is approved..
me: thank u ma'm,u made my day



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