Me: Goood Afternoon Officer
VO: Hi
VO: So you work at Oracle?
VO: What is your annual salary?
Me: ** P.A.
VO: What is your percentage at undergraduation?
Me: We had a GPA system. Mine was ****
VO: Any backlogs?
Me: No
VO: Your GRE?
ME: 1340
VO: So why MS in CS at Ohio State?
Me: I have been interested in database system because of my 1 year work at Oracle..I find the research going on at the univ suits my interest. I have always wanted to do higher education right from the start.
VO: What does your father do?
MEL My father is a ....
VO: His annual salary?
Me: ...... annually
VO: I need to do a small check nad that will take a weeks time. you are good to go.
She took my passport .. and all other documents.
Me: Thank you officer.
Me: Good Morning Madam!
VO: (no answer) ... Documents please
Me: Sure!
VO: Test scores and Degree certificates
ME: (passed them)
VO: Do you have any backlogs?
Me: None... (For a moment I thought she might have heard like 9, so I said...) Zero Madam
VO: What's your GPA?
Me: Told
VO: Since when are you working in your current company?
Me: Told
VO: So why are you quitting your Job and going for MS?
Me: I want to specialize in my area of interest - VLSI
VO: Why USA?
Me: Most of my UG Professors recommended me to go for USA for my graduation
VO: Why didn't you go for MS soon after your Bachelors?
Me: Because work experience will help me in getting into better University.
VO: What is your Father?
Me: Told
VO: Put your left hand Index finger on the finger print scanner.
Me: (I was about to keep my middle finger, then VO made Vicks Kich Kich sound. I looked at her, she is sowing her index finger)
VO: !@#!#&*!@#*&... (I heard like VODAFONE Zoo Zoos language)
Me: I am sorry!
VO: Your passport will be couriered to you in few days!
Me: Thanks a lot!
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